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Services offered

Please see below for the services I provide. Let's create a package full of benefits for you to move forward and find peace in your life. Pricing is based on packages created. 

Spiritual Guidance/Energy Work

~Oracle card readings

~Reiki session

~Energy block clearing

~Meditation Audios

~Journalling prompts

~Energy bursts sent daily

~Grounding techniques

~Check ins during weeks

~Deep dive into tough emotions that come up

~How​ to talk to/listen to guides-pendulum etc

~Tapping for focus and chakra awakening

~Dream readings


~Boundary setting

~Compassion awareness around changes in life

~Any specific homework that the guides give me during readings/sessions

Direct Energy Readings

I connect between you and universal knowledge and receive messages or read chakras to discover blocks and opportunities to work on and clear for moving forward in your best way.

Receiving Messages


Per Reading

Chakra Readings


Per Reading

Card Readi​ngs

You tell me a question you have. Something you are looking for guidance or advice on.

I will do a card pull from one of my oracle decks, number of cards based on readings below.

I will type up a detailed message of what I get from the cards and you can follow up with a question or 2.

Mini Reading


2-3 cards

Basic Reading


5-8 cards

Indepth Reading


10+ cards

Reiki Sessions

Need some energy reset? Some mental or physical health cleansing? 

Reiki sessions available

Up to 30 minutes


Done via video call available on a variety of platforms

Up to 60 minutes


Done via video call available on a variety of platforms

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